Mother’s Day for the Single Moms

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Mother's Day

My first Mother’s Day was spent with my parents, aunt,  (then) husband, and our new daughter.  It was the first Mother’s Day I’d spent with my own mother in several years.  As a then military family, we hadn’t lived closed enough to spend the day with either mom until then.  However, my parents simply could not resist the opportunity to see their four month old grand daughter.  She was the first grandbaby born into the family in twelve years and the first girl born into the family.  I have three nieces, but they all came to us from previous marriages.  So, our baby girl was kind of special and so was my first Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day

Time moved on and the baby got older.  My parents haven’t spent every Mother’s Day with us, but did spend a few with us.  Eventually, I became a single mom.  Mother’s Day just wasn’t the same as what it had been previously.  The other bad thing about it is that my ex-husband’s birthday also falls within a few days of Mother’s Day every year.  Thankfully, we’ve never really had conflicts about where should we be when, so that’s never been an issue.

However, for single moms, there aren’t typically those wonderful breakfast in bed days with the whole family pitching in to making breakfast.  No fresh flowers on the tray as dad and the kids bring in breakfast and the cards he helped the kids make for you.

My parents and I call one another on Mother’s Day.  My daughter does wish me a Happy Mother’s Day and might make me a card.  If she thinks far enough ahead, she may even ask her dad to take her shopping for something to give me on Mother’s Day.  This is still way better than Mother’s Day for a lot of single moms.

This morning, I checked my Facebook events, something I rarely do.  I was intrigued with the Mother’s Day event I had been invited to attend.  The lady who invited me has a home business and is working to organize others in our area to help keep our information out there for others to see.   My initial thought when I looked at the invite was, “What kind of person has an event on Mother’s Day?”  Then I clicked over and found out what the event was all about.  I was quite impressed with the idea and decided I should share it with you:

Breakfast Potluck and White Elephant gift exchange.  Those of us who are alone on Mother’s day or those who just want to come.  Bring your product information and share it, book a party, show product, and enjoy mothers day. You do not need to be a mom!  f you are interested in attending please add your name and a couple of suggestions for gifts so we have gift ideas for everyone. Gift price point is under $20. Please don’t let cost stop you from attending PM me. Can give product too. Kids welcome.

Neat, neat, neat!  I believe the lady who organized this is a military mom.  She made a comment that her husband was going to be gone again for Mother’s Day.  Whether you live in a military community or not, take the time to think of the elderly, widowed, and single moms you may know.  Their families or children may not be around or able to make their day special for them, but you could do it in their honor.

Looking for some ideas for Mother’s Day, check out some of the goodies from friends of mine:


  1. That is such a cool idea. Kudos to the organizer for thinking outside the box! Wouldn’t it be awesome if every community had something similar planned? It’s not something I myself would end up attending, because I have both a Mother and a Mother in Law living close by who I spend the day with. But I truly think for the elderly, widowed, or single mums out there this would be a fantastic way to spend the day.

  2. What a great idea!! I always believe in trying to make things happy for others too!

  3. Great idea, love this! Thanks so much for sharing, I hope others can start something similar in their own community!

  4. yeah that does seem odd to throw an event on Mother’s Day but now it really makes sense to me. I feel for all the single mamas!

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