Bounce Bursts Outdoor Fresh (ness) Into Your Washer

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Disclosure: I was compensated by Bounce for my review. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Bounce Bursts Outdoor Fresh

Bounce Bursts Outdoor Fresh

When it comes to new products in the home, are you like me?  Do you have to put them through the touch, smell, and taste test (if non harmful)?  When I purchase new linens, they have to pass my touch test.  If they’re not soft to the touch of my hand, why would I want them to touch any other part of  me?

Before purchasing a new laundry detergent or cleaner, I open the top, squeeze the box, or do whatever I can do get a whiff of the scent that will flow throughout my home.  Why do I do it?  It’s like the touch test.  If it doesn’t pass the sniff test in the store, I don’t want it to scent in my home either.

I’ve always loved the scent of Bounce dryer sheets, but haven’t ever really been a fan of the sheets themselves.  With the new Bounce Bursts, I get the best of both worlds.  I get that fresh Bounce scent without having to find a softener sheet at the end of my dryer cycle.  The new Bounce Bursts do also provide static control.  I’ve used them in multiple loads of laundry and only had a hint of static in one load.

Do you like the smell of your dryer exhaust when using the Bounce dryer sheets?  You know, when you’re outside near the dryer vent.  You’ll still experience the same great scent with the clothes in the your dryer that were washed using Bounce Bursts.

Bounce Bursts is a great new product and I’m a new Bounce customer!

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