ABC Friday Photo Share – J is For

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My friends over at Maple Leaf Mommy and Mom vs. the Boys have a new and fun meme that I’m going to try to take part in.

The goal of ABC Friday is to photo share with a challenge!  Each week is a new letter theme, starting with A of course, we will work our way through the alphabet.  I’m coming on board with the letter H.  I may go back and add the other letters later on.

Just post a picture with the letter theme for that week…. A is for Auto, B is for Beach, C is for Cake….get the idea?
This is not Wordless Wednesday, feel free to share in words what the photo is all about! or not, it’s up to you!

If you want to take part in ABC Friday they ask you to link back to the host page in your post so that your readers can easily find them!   Make sure to link up your post, not your homepage!

J is for…..

J is for Jordan Collage Photo Share

Joyful giver

Only child

Resists change

Drives now

Accident prone

Nearly grown

Jordan was the only name my ex-husband and I ever considered naming our baby.  We didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl and wanted a gender-neutral name that would work for either.  We wanted to talk to and refer to our child by name while still in the womb.   My other requirement was that my child’s name must be Biblical based and many of you will recognize her name as coming from the Jordan River.  Even more joyous than watching my tiny baby respond to her name within weeks of her birth was watching my toddler respond to hearing her name during sermons at church.  Her little face would light up with excitement when she heard the preacher “talking about her.”

My little baby has grown up into a sixteen year-old young lady.  She’s nearly an adult and has so much life ahead of her.  Sooner than later, that life will proceed without me.  No matter where life may take her and the choices she may make, I hope that she makes wise choices and realizes her dreams.

People with the name Jordan are competent, practical, and often obtain great power and wealth. They tend to be successful in business and commercial affairs, and are able to achieve great material dreams. Because they often focus so strongly on business and achievement.*

Even though I bestowed such a potentially strong and powerful name upon my child, I hope she will always remember the original roots and foundation from which her name came from.  If she keeps her eye on the real prize, she will be the ultimate winner of the best prize of all!



  1. Aww. Such a lovely post! And she’s absolutely beautiful!

  2. isn’t it crazy how fast the years fly by?!

  3. oh that is so sweet! It must be so hard when they get to that age where you know they are going to leave you soon. what a great girl you have!

  4. She is so beautiful! I love the tribute too 🙂

  5. What a wonderful post for your daughter to read. “Resists change” I think that is a common trait in 16 yos 🙂 Love how you picked her name too.

  6. Jordan is a great name. We all have so many hopes and dreams for our kids….

  7. Our babies grow up way to fast. She is beautiful!

  8. Aww, tears welled up as I read this! We help our kids grow wings so they can fly on their own. Though we want this, in some ways it is hard… We’ll never stop being Moms, though, no matter their age. I’m Jordan will remember her roots.

  9. Jordan is a beautiful name and I love the meaning behind it. She looks so much like you in her current portrait.

    • Thank you! She is looking more and more like me and acting TOO MUCH like me. I bet your girls do as well. 😉 We even speak in unison when greeting people. Then we just look at one another and shake our heads.

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