Oven Roasted Asparagus
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
  • Asparagus
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  1. Rinse asparagus.
  2. Cut hard, woody stems about 1" to 2" from the bottom of the asparagus.
  3. If the asparagus is tough and woody all over, it can be peeled with a vegetable peeler. I didn't like the look of eating rosebud thorns and peeled all of those off.
  4. Rinse again if desired.
  5. Place asparagus in a an oven safe cooking dish. (I preheated the skillet.)
  6. Coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  7. Bake at 375* for 15 - 20 minutes.
Recipe by DealsFromMsDo.com at https://dealsfrommsdo.com/oven-roasted-asparagus/